Love Live! Official Ticket + Hotel Package Info

Want to attend a Love Live! concert in Japan but don't want to jump through all the hoops of being an overseas fan? Check out this guide!

Love Live! Official Ticket + Hotel Package Info

At Anime Expo 2023, Love Live! Staff announced the return of the international fan pack, an easy way for those who don't live in Japan to attend Love Live! concerts.

Note: If you wish to apply for LL concerts the traditional way (the same way someone living in Japan would), see ramen's guide for all the info you need.

What concerts can I go to with the international fan pack?

Below is the list of concerts that have been announced to be utilizing the international fan pack, which will henceforth be referred to as the kaigai pack ("kaigai" means "overseas").

  • None at the moment! Check back later as more announcements are made.

I'll update the above section with new concerts and official links as they get announced.

Why use the kaigai pack?

Most overseas fans will find that the kaigai pack is the better way to get tickets, since the traditional route usually requires you to have a phone number based in Japan, let alone having to deal with some pretty tough lottery odds.

Now, this is based purely on anecdotes from myself and others, but it seems the odds of winning the lottery are greater when applying via the kaigai pack. Another advantage is there is no pre-requisite for entering the lottery -- you just need to apply. Conversely, the traditional option often will require you to buy a CD or some other merch in order to apply.

The final advantage is perhaps the best one: the seats. Again, this is based on anecdotal evidence - but when I used the kaigai pack to go to Aqours 5th live in 2019, I got arena seats very close to the stage. I've heard the same from others who used the kaigai pack for other LL concerts.

Of course, anything could have changed since the pack was last offered, so I make no guarantees these claims are still accurate.

What else is included?

In addition to the concert tickets, the kaigai pack also includes 2-3 nights at a hotel in the area. It does not include travel to/from Japan or to/from the venue; you're on your own there. I highly recommend applying for the lottery and waiting for the results before booking any flights, since you don't want to end up with a non-refundable flight you no longer want.

There is currently no ticket-only option for the kaigai pack, and you have to use the hotel they decide for you. Some may be let down by this, but (and again, this is anecdotal) the hotels they pick are usually good ones. I stayed at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel when I used the pack, and it was great; it even included a free breakfast buffet the day of the concert!

What if I win the lottery?

Congrats! If you win, you will be charged for the pack. Time to book your flight and make travel plans! If this is your first time in Japan, I highly recommend getting there at least one week before the concert so you can enjoy some of what Japan has to offer.

Staff will provide you with instructions on how to check-in to the hotel and claim your concert tickets.

On the day of the concert, there will be a clearly labeled booth at the venue with English-speaking staff. They will check your ID(s) (bring your passport to the venue!) and hand you your ticket(s). Enjoy the concert, and be sure you're familiar with the concert regulations, some of which might not be so obvious,.

More information

This page is only intended to be a very high-level overview of the kaigai pack. For more details, such as which courses are available and other options, I suggest clicking the links in the concert list above. I also recommend reading ramen's guides for detailed info specific to the event(s) you're interested in.

As always, if you have questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me.