Asaka's Upcoming Tour is Now More Open to Overseas Fans

Asaka has made it possible for overseas fans to buy tickets to her upcoming tour!

Asaka's Upcoming Tour is Now More Open to Overseas Fans

Famous J-pop singer Asaka, who is known mostly for her contributions to Laid-Back Camp, recently performed at Kawaii Kon in Hawaii. The reception there must have been great, because it seems she convinced the higher-ups at eplus to allow overseas fans to buy tickets to her upcoming tour in Japan.

Normally, getting concert tickets via eplus as a non-resident of Japan would be quite a hassle, as you'd need to get through SMS verification with a Japanese phone number. But it looks like Asaka and her staff have made it easy. You can buy tickets here.

I'm not planning to go to Japan anytime soon, so I sadly will be missing out on this opportunity, but this is still very good news and I hope we start to see more of this happening with other artists.

Speaking of Laid-Back Camp, season 3 is airing now. So definitely get on that.